Lucu Banget...Tikus-Tikus ini Dibuatkan Pakaian Unik..!!!

Seorang wanita memiliki hobi yang unik. Dia gemar sekali mengawetkan tikus dan membuatkan pakaian untuk hewan itu agar terlihat nyata.

Seperti diberitakan Metro, Kamis (9/5/2013), Liz Davis senang sekali mengumpulkan hewan pengerat untuk diawetkan. Dia juga membuatkan pakaian yang unik dan kemudian membuatnya menjadi pajangan miniatur di rumahnya.

Davis membutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu untuk menyelesaikan karya taxidermy-nya atau yang biasa dikenal dengan seni mengawetkan binatang.

Untuk membuat karya unik ini, Davis membeli tikus tersebut dari toko hewan peliharaan yang telah dibekukan sebelumnya. Kemudian ia memakaikan pakaian yang unik, seperti pakaian bajak laut, bergaya ala punk, dan karakter-karakter dari sejarah. (faj)

Liz Davis

PIC: APEX 06/05/2013 They may look like theyíre from a bizarre, surreal animation but these creations are real and very popular. They are the work of embalmer Liz Davis who has seen a surge in interest in the taxidermy mice at her base in Minehead, Somerset. Liz said: ìI have collected taxidermy for many years as it has fascinated me from childhood. ìI am a self-employed embalmer by trade so the art of preservation, sanitation and presentation are always foremost in my daily work. ìI think I am a perfectionist within my work spending hours with attention to detail and this carries on with my taxidermy.  ìI was advised not to taxidermy mice to start with as they are so tiny and are difficult but as I had lack of space at home and as I like a challenge I thought I would give it a go.  ìIt takes about two hours to prepare the mouse and set them in the position you want them in, then they need to be left for at least a couple of weeks to settle and dry this is very important as many changes take place during this time. ìSome of my mice have been prepared up to a year before I dress them.   ìI check on each animal daily in fact twice a day to make sure everything is correct. ìThen once I am happy with them I dress them in the position that I have set them in." The mouse pictured is based on a highwayman. ** SEE STORY BY APEX NEWS - 01392 823144 ** ---------------------------------------------------- APEX NEWS & PICTURES NEWS DESK: 01392 823144 PICTURE DESK: 01392 823145



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